var QueryString = function () { // This function is anonymous, is executed immediately and // the return value is assigned to QueryString! var query_string = {}; var query =; var vars = query.split("&"); for (var i=0;iwho lives in Ishinomaki.","ATLANTIS_Higher_Learning_-_Lesson_2.pdf"]; lesNamesA[3]=["関係代名詞 - 目的格と所有格","Relative clauses - objects and possessives","Australia is a country that I want to visit someday.|I have a friend whose father is a doctor.","ATLANTIS_Higher_Learning_-_Lesson_3.pdf"]; lesNamesA[4]=["提案 - ‘let’s’ / ‘why don’t we’ / ‘do you want to...’","Suggestions - ‘let’s’ / ‘why don’t we’ / ‘do you want to...’ ","How about learning to play the guitar?","ATLANTIS_Higher_Learning_-_Lesson_4.pdf"]; lesNamesA[5]=["アドバイス - ‘should’ / ‘had better’ / ‘have to’","Advice - ‘should’ / ‘had better’ / ‘have to’","You should take a nap.","ATLANTIS_Higher_Learning_-_Lesson_5.pdf"]; lesNamesA[6]=["許可 - ‘be allowed to’ / ‘can’ / ‘must’ / ‘don’t have to’","Permission - ‘be allowed to’ / ‘can’ / ‘must’ / ‘don’t have to’","Is it true that in Japan, students don’t have to go to high school?","ATLANTIS_Higher_Learning_-_Lesson_6.pdf"]; lesNamesA[7]=["比較級 - 形容詞 / 名詞","Comparatives - adjectives / nouns ","China is bigger than America.","ATLANTIS_Higher_Learning_-_Lesson_7.pdf"]; lesNamesA[8]=["形容詞 + 不定詞(比較級)","Adjectives + infinitives (with comparatives)","A goldfish is easier to take care of than a hamster.","ATLANTIS_Higher_Learning_-_Lesson_8.pdf"]; lesNamesA[9]=["最上級","Superlatives","Who is the nicest person you know?","ATLANTIS_Higher_Learning_-_Lesson_9.pdf"]; lesNamesA[10]=["動名詞 - 主語 / 目的語","Gerunds - subjects / objects","Teaching is interesting. / I would be interested in teaching.","ATLANTIS_Higher_Learning_-_Lesson_10.pdf"]; lesNamesA[11]=["不定詞 - 名詞的用法 (S / O / C) / 副詞的用法 / 形容詞的用法","Infinitives - nouns (S / O / C) / adverbs / adjectives","It’s important for me to get into a good university.|I want to meet people from all over the world.|My goal is to go to an American university.|I learn English to do homestay.|I have some housework to do tonight.","ATLANTIS_Higher_Learning_-_Lesson_11.pdf"]; lesNamesA[12]=["WH + 不定詞","WH + infinitives","I need to borrow some money. The problem is who to ask.","ATLANTIS_Higher_Learning_-_Lesson_12.pdf"]; lesNamesA[13]=["‘seems to’ / ‘appears to’ / ‘seems that’ / ‘appears that’","‘seems to’ / ‘appears to’ / ‘seems that’ / ‘appears that’","You seem to be stressed out.|It appears that you are stressed out.","ATLANTIS_Higher_Learning_-_Lesson_13.pdf"]; lesNamesA[14]=["現在の推測","Speculation about the present - ‘must be’ / ‘might be’ / ‘may be’ / ‘can't be’","Hachi B must be sick.|He can't be sick. I saw him last night.","ATLANTIS_Higher_Learning_-_Lesson_14.pdf"]; lesNamesA[15]=["‘that’ - 動詞 / 形容詞","‘that’ - following verbs / following adjectives","The policeman said that I was speeding.|It’s too bad that your band broke up.","ATLANTIS_Higher_Learning_-_Lesson_15.pdf"]; lesNamesA[16]=["SV(be動詞)C(that+S+V)","SV(be)C(that+S+V)","The problem is that I'm allergic to animals.|The great thing about mobile phones is that they are so convenient.|The fact is that solar energy is expensive.|The main reason for eating fast food is that it's cheap.","ATLANTIS_Higher_Learning_-_Lesson_16.pdf"]; lesNamesA[17]=["関係代名詞の非制限用法","Non-defining relative clauses","Our ALT, who is very shy, loves mountain climbing.","ATLANTIS_Higher_Learning_-_Lesson_17.pdf"]; lesNamesA[18]=["強調構文","Cleft sentences","It was Chieko who made lunch for everyone.","ATLANTIS_Higher_Learning_-_Lesson_18.pdf"]; lesNamesA[19]=["関係代名詞 ‘what’ - 主語 / 目的語 / 補語","Relative pronoun ‘what’ - subject / object / complement","What I want for my birthday is a pony.|I like what you are wearing.|That’s what happens when you don’t study.","ATLANTIS_Higher_Learning_-_Lesson_19.pdf"]; lesNamesA[20]=["関係副詞 - ‘when’ / ‘where (in which)’ / ‘why’","Relative adverbs - ‘when’ / ‘where (in which)’ / ‘why’","New Orleans is the city where jazz was born.|1845 is the year when baseball was born.|I like classical music and that’s why I want to visit Vienna.","ATLANTIS_Higher_Learning_-_Lesson_20.pdf"]; lesNamesA[21]=["関係副詞 ‘how’ - 目的語 / 補語","Relative adverb ‘how’ - object / complement","Tell me how I can improve my English.|That’s how I learned English.","ATLANTIS_Higher_Learning_-_Lesson_21.pdf"]; lesNamesA[22]=["‘if’ / ‘whether’","‘if’ / ‘whether’","I want to know if (whether) you like me.|If you like me, you should tell me.|I love you whether you call me or not.","ATLANTIS_Higher_Learning_-_Lesson_22.pdf"]; lesNamesA[23]=["間接疑問文","Embedded questions","Excuse me, do you know where the Beverly Hills Hotel is?|Let’s ask when the tour starts.|I wonder if there is a restroom nearby.|Do you know whether this bus goes to the outlet mall?","ATLANTIS_Higher_Learning_-_Lesson_23.pdf"]; lesNamesA[24]=["「どんなに~であっても」を表す言い方 (‘no matter ~’)","‘No matter ~’ + ‘wherever’ / ‘whoever’ / ‘whenever’ / ‘whichever’ / ‘whatever’","No matter how busy I am, I always find time to practice the guitar.|Whenever I get home, my dog is always waiting for me.","ATLANTIS_Higher_Learning_-_Lesson_24.pdf"]; lesNamesA[25]=["第1条件節 - ‘if’ + ‘will / will have to’","The first conditional - ‘if’ + ‘will / will have to’","If you don’t have a ride, we’ll pick you up.","ATLANTIS_Higher_Learning_-_Lesson_25.pdf"]; lesNamesA[26]=["仮定法 - 第2条件節 - ‘if’ + ‘would’ and ‘rather’","Subjunctive - the second conditional - ‘if’ + ‘would’ and ‘rather’","If I won the lottery, I would buy a house.|Which concert would you rather go to, AKB48 or EXILE?","ATLANTIS_Higher_Learning_-_Lesson_26.pdf"]; lesNamesA[27]=["仮定法 - ‘wish’, ‘if’ + ‘would’, ‘if only’ の復習","Subjunctive - ‘wish’ / ‘if’ + ‘would’, ‘if only’ review","I wish I had a better job.|If only I had a better job.","ATLANTIS_Higher_Learning_-_Lesson_27.pdf"]; lesNamesA[28]=["量をあらわす副詞 - ‘not enough’, ‘too much’ / ‘too many’ / ‘if’ + ‘would’ / ‘wish’ の復習","Adverbs of quantity - ‘not enough’, ‘too much’ / ‘too many’ and a review of ‘if’ + ‘would’ / ‘wish’","I eat too much junk food.","ATLANTIS_Higher_Learning_-_Lesson_28.pdf"]; lesNamesA[29]=["形容詞 + ‘enough’ + 不定詞","Adjectives + ‘enough’ + infinitives ","My grandmother’s cookies are good enough to sell.","ATLANTIS_Higher_Learning_-_Lesson_29.pdf"]; lesNamesA[30]=["現在分詞 ‘when’ / ‘because’","Present participles ‘when’ / ‘because’","Waking up late, I jumped out of bed and knocked over the lamp.","ATLANTIS_Higher_Learning_-_Lesson_30.pdf"]; lesNamesA[31]=["現在分詞 ‘while’ / ‘with’","Present participle ‘while’ / ‘with’","Talking on his mobile phone, James skateboarded to work.|With the birds singing in the tress, Brooks enjoyed an afternoon nap.","ATLANTIS_Higher_Learning_-_Lesson_31.pdf"]; lesNamesA[32]=["過去進行形と ‘when’ / ‘while’ / ‘during’","The past progressive and ‘when’ / ‘while’ / ‘during’","I was daydreaming during my English class.","ATLANTIS_Higher_Learning_-_Lesson_32.pdf"]; lesNamesA[33]=["SVC 現在分詞と‘keep ~ing’","SVC present participle and ‘keep ~ing’","We walked on the beach holding hands.","ATLANTIS_Higher_Learning_-_Lesson_33.pdf"]; // lesNamesB var lesNamesB=new Array(); lesNamesB[34]=["SVOC 現在分詞 - ‘see’ / ‘watch’ / ‘hear’ / ‘listen to’ / ‘smell’ / ‘feel’ / ‘find’","SVOC present participle - ‘see’ / ‘watch’ / ‘hear’ / ‘listen to’ / ‘smell’ / ‘feel’ / ‘find’","I saw Jenny and Peter shopping at the mall yesterday.","ATLANTIS_Higher_Learning_-_Lesson_34.pdf"]; lesNamesB[35]=["使役動詞 - ‘let’ / ‘make’","Causatives - ‘let’ / ‘make’","My boss let me take a vacation.","ATLANTIS_Higher_Learning_-_Lesson_35.pdf"]; lesNamesB[36]=["動名詞の意味上の主語:名詞の所有格目的格+動名詞","Possessives with gerunds","Your dog's barking really bothers me.","ATLANTIS_Higher_Learning_-_Lesson_36.pdf"]; lesNamesB[37]=["現在完了形 - 最近の出来事","The present perfect - recent experience","I haven’t slept well lately.","ATLANTIS_Higher_Learning_-_Lesson_37.pdf"]; lesNamesB[38]=["現在完了形 - 経験","The present perfect - life experience","Have you ever been to a beach party?","ATLANTIS_Higher_Learning_-_Lesson_38.pdf"]; lesNamesB[39]=["現在完了形 - 継続 ‘for’ / ‘since’","The present perfect - ‘for’ / ‘since’","We’ve been friends for a long time.","ATLANTIS_Higher_Learning_-_Lesson_39.pdf"]; lesNamesB[40]=["現在完了進行形","The present perfect progressive","I’ve been spending a lot of money recently.","ATLANTIS_Higher_Learning_-_Lesson_40.pdf"]; lesNamesB[41]=["過去完了形 / 過去完了分詞の紹介","The past perfect / the past perfect participle","The show had already started by the time I got there.|Having forgotten to set the alarm, I woke up late.","ATLANTIS_Higher_Learning_-_Lesson_41.pdf"]; lesNamesB[42]=["完了形の分詞構文 + 語彙の文脈化","Past perfect participle + vocabulary contextualization","Having forgotten to set the alarm clock at night, I woke up late.", "ATLANTIS_Higher_Learning_-_Lesson_42.pdf"]; lesNamesB[43]=["仮定法 - 第3条件節 ‘if’ + ‘would have been’ - 第1と第2条件節の復習","Subjunctive - the third conditional ‘if’ + ‘would have been’ and a review of the first and second conditionals","If I had left home earlier, I wouldn’t have been late for school.","ATLANTIS_Higher_Learning_-_Lesson_43.pdf"]; lesNamesB[44]=["仮定法 - 後悔を表す形 ‘I wish I had...’ / ‘I shouldn’t have...’と‘too’ + 形容詞 + ‘~ing’ + 不定詞 ","Subjunctive - regret patterns ‘I wish I had...’ / ‘I shouldn’t have...’ and ‘too’ + adjectives + ‘~ing’ + infinitives","I wish I hadn’t stopped playing the piano.|My whole life, I was too busy working to go to school.","ATLANTIS_Higher_Learning_-_Lesson_44.pdf"]; lesNamesB[45]=["過去完了進行形","The past perfect progressive tense","We had been going out for only two months when we got married.","ATLANTIS_Higher_Learning_-_Lesson_45.pdf"]; lesNamesB[46]=["~であったようだ","‘looks like’ / ‘seems to have’","Little Poncho seems to have injured his paw.|It looks like he injured his paw.","ATLANTIS_Higher_Learning_-_Lesson_46.pdf"]; lesNamesB[47]=["過去の推測 - ‘must have...’ / ‘might have...’ / ‘may have...’ / ‘could have...’, 主語での間接疑問文の復習","Speculation about the past - ‘must have...’ / ‘might have...’ / ‘may have...’ / ‘could have...’, a review of embedded questions in the object and subject positions","Linda must have forgotten about the party.|Do you know how many people came to the party?","ATLANTIS_Higher_Learning_-_Lesson_47.pdf"]; lesNamesB[48]=["仮定法現在 提案・要求・重要+(that) S+V(動詞の原形)","The subjunctive mood","The doctor suggested that I be more careful.|It's best that plants be placed somewhere warm.","ATLANTIS_Higher_Learning_-_Lesson_48.pdf"]; lesNamesB[49]=["形容詞 / 名詞 + for (me) + 不定詞","adjectives/nouns + for (me) + infinitives","It’s not easy for me to meet new people.|Do you think there’s enough time for us to save the environment?","ATLANTIS_Higher_Learning_-_Lesson_49.pdf"]; lesNamesB[50]=["be動詞+不定詞","be + infinitives","I am to visit San Diego next month.|You are to keep the room clean.|Politicians are not to be trusted.","ATLANTIS_Higher_Learning_-_Lesson_50.pdf"]; lesNamesB[51]=["未来進行形","The future progressive tense","At this time tomorrow, we’ll be flying to Finland.","ATLANTIS_Higher_Learning_-_Lesson_51.pdf"]; lesNamesB[52]=["未来完了形","The future perfect tense","By the age of 25, I will have started my own company.","ATLANTIS_Higher_Learning_-_Lesson_52.pdf"]; lesNamesB[53]=["受動態 ‘was’ / ‘were’","The passive voice ‘was’ / ‘were’","The Statue of Liberty was built by the French.","ATLANTIS_Higher_Learning_-_Lesson_53.pdf"]; lesNamesB[54]=["受動態 - ‘have been’ / ‘are being’ / ‘will be’","The passive voice - ‘have been’ / ‘are being’ / ‘will be’","Clean energy is being developed.","ATLANTIS_Higher_Learning_-_Lesson_54.pdf"]; lesNamesB[55]=["法助動詞を使った受動態 - ‘can’ / ‘will’ / ‘should’ / ‘might’ / ‘may’","The passive voice with modal verbs - ‘can’ / ‘will’ / ‘should’ / ‘might’ / ‘may’","You will be asked lots of questions.","ATLANTIS_Higher_Learning_-_Lesson_55.pdf"]; lesNamesB[56]=["It is believed など+that 節","It is believed that...","It’s believed that a broken mirror brings 7 years of bad luck. |A broken mirror is believed to bring 7 years of bad luck.","ATLANTIS_Higher_Learning_-_Lesson_56.pdf"]; lesNamesB[57]=["SVC 過去分詞","SVC past participle","Little Timmy got scolded by his teacher.","ATLANTIS_Higher_Learning_-_Lesson_57.pdf"]; lesNamesB[58]=["受動態の分詞構文","Passive participles","Made by Apple, the iPhone is popular in Japan.|Having been built more than 2000 years ago, the Great Wall of China is a popular tourist spot. ","ATLANTIS_Higher_Learning_-_Lesson_58.pdf"]; lesNamesB[59]=["縮約関係詞節(関係代名詞の省略)とSVOC過去分詞","Reduced relative clauses","The car which is parked in front of the house is mine.|We always leave a small light turned on in the baby’s room.","ATLANTIS_Higher_Learning_-_Lesson_59.pdf"]; lesNamesB[60]=["使役動詞 - ‘have’ / ‘get’ + ‘let’ / ‘make’の復習","Causatives - ‘have’ / ‘get’ + a review of ‘let’ / ‘make’","We are going to have solar panels installed on the roof.","ATLANTIS_Higher_Learning_-_Lesson_60.pdf"]; lesNamesB[61]=["SVOC 過去分詞","SVOC past participle","I like my eggs hard-boiled.|Please keep your eyes closed.","ATLANTIS_Higher_Learning_-_Lesson_61.pdf"]; lesNamesB[62]=["間接話法","Reported speech","The doctor said that I needed more exercise.|She asked me if I was good with computers.","ATLANTIS_Higher_Learning_-_Lesson_62.pdf"]; lesNamesB[63]=["返答の表現","Rejoinders","John doesn’t like umeboshi and neither does Chieko.","ATLANTIS_Higher_Learning_-_Lesson_63.pdf"]; // !!!! here lesNamesB[64]=["付加疑問文","Tag questions","It doesn’t snow in Los Angeles, does it?","ATLANTIS_Higher_Learning_-_Lesson_64.pdf"]; lesNamesB[65]=["関係副詞の非制限用法","Non-defining relative adverbs","Hawaii, where the weather is excellent, is a great place for a vacation.|The 1980s, when the economy was booming, was a great time for Japan.","ATLANTIS_Higher_Learning_-_Lesson_65.pdf"]; lesNamesB[66]=["エッセーの記述","Writing an essay","","ATLANTIS_Higher_Learning_-_Lesson_66.pdf"]; lesNamesB[67]=["‘that’ - 名詞に続くthatの用法 / 議論の余地のあるエッセイの記述, part 2","‘that’ - following nouns + writing an essay, part 2","I agree with the idea that violent video games are bad for children.","ATLANTIS_Higher_Learning_-_Lesson_67.pdf"]; lesNamesB[68]=["結果を表す不定詞","Infinitives for results","I came home to find my house on fire.|I made a good presentation, only to be told that I didn't speak loud enough.","ATLANTIS_Higher_Learning_-_Infinitives_for_results.pdf"]; lesNamesB[69]=["否定表現 1","Negatives 1","Most Japanese people do not own guns.|Not everyone has a cell phone.|I had nowhere to go.|There was nothing to do.","ATLANTIS_Higher_Learning_-_Negatives_1.pdf"]; lesNamesB[70]=["否定表現 2","Negatives 2","None of us have been to China.|Ididn't speak to any of them.|Neither of us was born here.|I don't agree with either of you.","ATLANTIS_Higher_Learning_-_Negatives_2.pdf"]; lesNamesB[71]=["否定表現 3","Negatives 3","I have very little time to go horseback riding.|Few people came.|I have a few questions.|Little did we know that we would later be married.","ATLANTIS_Higher_Learning_-_Negatives_3.pdf"]; lesNamesB[72]=["グラフの解読と説明","Describing charts and graphs","Teenagers spend 18% of their money on food.|What is the biggest difference between US and Japanese spending patterns?|According to the data, 69% of females do sports.","ATLANTIS_Higher_Learning_-_Describing_charts_and_graphs.pdf"]; // // getElementsByClassName e.g. links = document.getElementsByClassName("theclass"); function gebcn(){ if (!document.getElementsByClassName) { document.getElementsByClassName = function (cn) { var rx = new RegExp("(?:^|\\s)" + cn+ "(?:$|\\s)"); var allT = document.getElementsByTagName("*"), allCN = [], ac="", i = 0, a; while (a = allT[i=i+1]) { ac=a.className; if ( ac && ac.indexOf(cn) !==-1) { if(ac===cn){ allCN[allCN.length] = a; continue; } rx.test(ac) ? 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